Governance, Risk & Compliance 
Innovation Strategy 

aiComply, partner of Agic Albania, provides consulting services, research and technological solutions to support corporate governance for the improvement of performance and for the management of regulatory obligations. >


Anti-money laundering and communications to the Revenue Agency
Management of regulatory obligations

Thanks to the experience gained over time with various business realities, aiComplyAgic Albania partner, offers to its customers consultancy services and technological solutions for the management of regulatory compliance concerning anti-money laundering, registry reporting and financial inquiries. Our offer aimes at the proper fulfillment of legal obligations through both technical and organizational support (process design and internal control system, law enforcement software, and more).



Solution that allows reporting, ensuring the confidentiality of the reporter, any crimes, fraud and activities contrary to current regulations and codes of conduct/ethics adopted by both public and private organizations, facilitating the activation of appropriate actions of investigation, remediation and mitigation.

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Agic Albania partner

Spinoff of the Mechanic and Aerospace Engineering Department at “La Sapienza” University of Rome, conducts a constant research activity through modern modeling techniques, process simulation, supporting systems for decisions, and advanced computing tools.


Personal Data protection

The EU Regulation n. 679/2016 (also known as “General Data Protection Regulation” or “GDPR”), become fully operational from May 25th 2018, rises with the goal of harmonizing privacy legislations of the 28 European Member States, while introducing important new developments for data protection. Definitely, the GDPR is not only intended as a set of regulatory obligations, but also as an opportunity for companies to effectively implement their security measures and comply with regulations, with the advantage of using technology made available by Microsoft.

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E-Learning &

Skills Enrichment Program

Solution for the creation of effective training activities through e-learning platforms

aiComply, an Agic Albania partner, is the link between study paths and the job world, stimulating students through lab courses, orientating their skills and creating opportunities for stepping into the job and enhancing individual skills in the development of their professionalities.


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